Rules of the ‘Buy on Snowit and win’ competition

Ai sensi dell’art. 11 del Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 26 ottobre 2001 n° 430.

Promoting company: Sportit srl

Registered office: Piazza Santa Francesca Romana 3, 20129 Milan (MI)

VAT and Fiscal Code: 09545330962

Delegated Subject: Ipm Italia Srl, Via Stradella 13 – 20129 Milan – PI and CF 12978330152

Purpose: To promote the brand and the sale of products and services through the website and the Snowit application of the Promoter Company

Territorial Scope: European Union countries, UK and Switzerland

Recipients: Natural persons, over 18 years of age, registered on the Snowit App (hereinafter referred to as ‘User(s)’)

Advertising start: From 27/11/2023

Duration: From 01/01/2024 to 30/04/2024

Final draw: By 31/05/2024

Prize pool: 2,499.99 euros (excluding vat)

Bond: Surety bond with beneficiary Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy to guarantee 100% of the expected prize money (ex art. 7 paragraph 2 Presidential Decree October 26, 2001 No. 430).

Advertising material: This event will be appropriately publicised through the Snowit App, on the website and through any other promotional means that the Promoter Company may deem useful for communicating to participants. In any case, this event will be publicised in a manner consistent with these regulations

Publicising the rules: The complete rules will be available on the following website:

Modalities of the competition:

From 01/01/2024 to 30/04/2024, all Users, duly registered, with each expenditure made on the website or through the Snowit app by selecting the mode of payment through Visa circuit, will automatically participate in this sweepstakes to compete for the winnings of one of the final draw prizes up for grabs.

For the purposes of the final draw, each User will acquire one (1) entry ticket for each expenditure
made, exclusively through the Visa circuit, regardless of the type and number of products/services purchased.

Purchases of several Snowit products/services in a single transaction will not allow the User to
obtain more than one title for the same expenditure.

Final extraction:

For the final draw, the Promoting Company will prepare a special file containing all those entitled to participate.

Each User will compete in the final draw with one participation title for each expenditure made from 01/01/2024 to 30/04/2024 on or via the Snowit app with payment mode via Visa.

Five (5) winners and ten (10) reserves will be drawn at random from the archive.

The drawing of lots for the prizes will take place in the presence of a notary public or a representative of the
Chamber of Commerce by 05/31/2024. Assignment may also take place through

Reserves will only be used if the prize is not awarded or not claimed, following the order of the draw.


Participation in the competition is only open to natural persons, over 18 years of age, resident or domiciled in the indicated territorial area: European Union countries, UK and Switzerland.

Each User will be able to enter the contest multiple times, for each purchase made on the website or through the Snowit app, with payment mode via Visa. Please note that payment should be made only by direct credit or debit card.

Purchases made through payment method aggregators such as Apple Pay, Google Pay and Paypal etc, even if made with a Visa credit, debit or prepaid card, will not be considered valid.

Each User may win a maximum of one (1) prize in total.

It should be noted that the Promoting Company reserves the right to verify the regular participation of Users in the contest, in particular, it may cancel the winnings or not let participate in the final draw those who are not in good standing in payments, have made payment through other available circuits or cancel the order/request the right of withdrawal.


Employees or collaborators of the Promoting Company, the Delegated Party and all the companies involved in the running and management of the competition are excluded from participation.

Prize details:

Order of extractionPrize DescriptionQuantityComm. value (ivastrong,
1918,03 €
1696,72 €
1573,77 €
1163,93 €
1147,54 €
Total2499,99 €

Market value of prizes:

The total prize money amounts to Euro 2,499.99 (excluding VAT). The market value of the prizes is to be understood as of the date on which the rules were drawn up.

Information to winners:

The Promoting Company shall inform the winners, within 5 working days from the date of the award report, by sending an e-mail with the instructions for collecting the prize.

The winner of a prize must respond within 5 days by sending the following documents:

  • Duly completed prize acceptance form;
  • Photocopy of a valid identity document.

Should a winner fail to submit the required documents and/or personal data that do not correspond to those on the registration form/identity document, as well as in the event of any other irregularities, the prize shall be deemed not to have been awarded. The first reserve will be contacted following the same methodology, and so on until the prize is awarded to a reserve, or in the event that the prize is not awarded to the reserves as well, the prize will be awarded to the relevant non-profit organisation.

Delegation of awards:

The winner of a prize shall not be entitled to delegate the prize to a third party.

Awarding of Prizes:

The shipment of the prizes shall be borne by the Promoting Company and shall be carried out by the means deemed most appropriate by it to ensure delivery of the prize to the winner. In any case, the prize will be delivered to a valid address provided by the winner in a European Union country or UK or Switzerland.

Deadline for awarding prizes:

The deadline for delivery of the prizes will be within 6 months from the end of the promotional event or from the date on which the prizes are claimed, as stipulated in Presidential Decree 430 of 26/10/2001.

Prizes not awarded or not claimed:

Prizes not awarded or not requested, other than those refused, will be donated to the following Onlus: Fondazione ABIO Italia Onlus per il Bambino in Ospedale, Via Don Gervasini, 33 – 20153 Milano Cod.Fisc. 97384230153.

Payment of IRPEF:

The Promoting Company undertakes to pay the tax within the terms and to the extent provided for under Art. 30 del D.P.R. n. 600 of 29/09/1973.

Waiver of the right of recourse

The Promoting Company declares that it waives the right to withholding tax in favour of the winners (Article 30, Presidential Decree No. 600 of 29/09/1973).

Rejection of the Award:

Should the winners expressly refuse the prize, it may remain at the disposal of the Promoting Company.

Server location:

The Promoting Company declares that the server for collecting participants’ data is located in Italy.

It should be noted that:

Participation in this competition is conditional on full acceptance of the competition rules.

La partecipazione a questa manifestazione a premi è condizionata alla completa accettazione del regolamento del Concorso.

The connection fee that Users will incur to connect to the website will be calculated and charged according to the rate plan agreed with their telephone operator.

Privacy Policy:

Users’ personal data shall be processed in compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, including through the use of electronic means, for the purposes related to the full implementation of this competition.

The full information is available at:

Fulfilments and guarantees:

Any amendments or additions that may be made to these regulations by the Promoting Company, following notification to the Ministry of Economic Development, shall be brought to the attention of those concerned by means of an appropriate information notice which shall be provided to those participating in the initiative.

The Promoting Company declares, in any event, that any changes shall not result in any infringement of the rights acquired by participants in the prize competition.

The Promoting Company accepts no liability for any access problem, impediment, malfunction or difficulty relating to technical equipment, computers, cables, electronics, software and hardware, transmission and connection, telephone line, Internet connection which may prevent the User from accessing the website/app, and more generally from participating in the contest and/or receiving notification of the winning entry.

The Promoting Company shall not be held liable in the event of failure to deliver the winning notification due to the provision of incorrect or untrue e-mail addresses and/or personal details by the winners, or in the event that the mailbox is full, the mailbox is no longer active, the e-mails are not received on time as they have ended up in spam or the e-mail address indicated during registration is included in a black-list, and any other case for which the Promoting Company is not responsible.

The Promoting Company cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any problems arising during the use of the prizes and cannot be held responsible for the improper use of the prizes by the winners.

Users who have registered with personal data other than those stated in their identity document shall not be considered valid for the purposes of winning, or may be prevented from participating.

The Promoting Company reserves the right to prevent participation or cancel the winnings of all Users who do not participate in good faith (multiple registrations with different e-mail addresses, accumulation of prizes, use of automated software or gaming systems, irregular purchases, etc.).

Users will not be able to enjoy the prize if, in the unquestionable opinion of the Promoting Company or of third parties appointed by the same for the management of the contest, they are found to be winners by means and instruments capable of eluding randomness, or in any case judged to be suspicious and/or fraudulent and/or in breach of the normal course of the initiative.

The Promoting Company, or the companies appointed by it to manage the contest, reserve the right to proceed, under the terms deemed most appropriate, and in compliance with the laws in force, to limit and inhibit any initiative aimed at circumventing the system devised.

The images and colours of the prizes on all promotional material are purely indicative.

If the promised prize or one of the activities is not available, the Promoting Company reserves the right to replace it with one of equal or higher value.

Prizes are not exchangeable or convertible into cash, gold tokens or equivalent.

Any request by a winner for an alternative prize cannot be fulfilled.

For anything not indicated in these Regulations, the Promoter Company refers to the provisions of Presidential Decree 430/01.

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